After much deliberation, Engen Books is proud to announce the winner of the February 2020 Kit Sora Flash Fiction Photography Contest: Hannah Jenkins with the story, Coming Out!
Hannah Jenkins is a new writer currently residing in Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador, where she is completing a Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Literature. She founded the creative writing society at her university and sits on the editorial board of the school’s journal, Paper Mill Press. She is the recipient of the 2020 Moynes-Keshen John McCrae Poetry Award and is currently in the midst of producing her first chapbook of poetry entitled The Birds Come Back in the Spring.
We had three judges for this contest:
Matthew LeDrew has written twenty novels for Engen Books, Black Womb, Transformations in Pain, Smoke and Mirrors, Roulette, Ghosts of the Past, Ignorance is Bliss, Becoming, Inner Child, Gang War, Chains, The Long Road, Cinders, Sinister Intent, Faith, Family Values, Touch Your Nose, Jacobi Street, Infinity, The Tourniquet Reprisal and Exodus of Angels.
Lauralana Dunne has proven herself to be a force to be reckoned with in Canadian writing circles. In December 2018 her short story, ‘Venus Flytrap,’ was featured in the astonishing collection Kit Sora: The Artobiography, which paired talented authors with the artist known as Kit Sora to achieve spectacular combinations of story and photography. She was heavily featured in the bestselling anthology Dystopia from the Rock with two short stories, “Future Tense” and “Future Imperfect.”
She joined that 2018-2019 Board of Directors of the Writer’s Alliance of Newfoundland in October 2018, an organization which contributes to a supportive environment for writing in the province and fosters public recognition of Newfoundland & Labrador writers.
She describes herself as a slayer of imaginary monsters.
In June 2020, Engen Books will release her first novel, a New Adult Fantasy titled Ashes.
Kit Sora Photography. Kit Sora is an artist and photographer from St. Johns, Newfoundland. Her photography draws inspiration from fantasy, dystopia, and thrillers to create evocative imagrey that startles, inspires, and excites.Kit signed with Engen Books in 2018 as head photographer, producing the thrilling image for Chillers from the Rock and re-imagining the covers to the entire Black Womb series into the Coral Beach Casefiles series. Drew Power is a currently seated member of the Sci-Fi on the Rock committee. He was recently featured as the model on the cover of the bestselling collection Chillers from the Rock.
Runners up include Mother by Melissa Wong, and Generations by Peter J Foote.
The Flash Fiction Photography Contest is sponsored in part by FictionFirst Used Books, which specializes in previously enjoyed Sci-fi & Fantasy Novels, Roleplaying Manuals and Graphic Novels. It is run out of the Annapolis Valley and open by appointment only. Their inventory is currently over 5000 titled strong and they ship within Canada, USA and Europe. You can find them on Facebook, here.
The winning entry will be featured on this website as well as on the Fantasy Files newsletter (click to join!). Both runner-up entries will also be featured.