This isn't why we did this by a long shot, but From the Rock Stars just became a Amazon Bestseller on the Amazon CA free titles list.
With COVID-19 in full swing and the world in isolation, we thought of no better time and way to show our thanks than to offer this collection of short fiction for free during the course of the crisis, and at no more than cost for the print book. Please enjoy these stories at no cost, and we hope that the worlds they bring you to are brighter ones.
For years, Engen Books has produced an annual collection of the best genre fiction that Atlantic Canada has to offer: the From the Rock series. It has seen tremendous commercial and critical success and we couldn't have done that without two groups: our spectacular writers, and our amazing readers. We've been looking to find a way to thank both for years.
From the Rock collections alternate between three main genres: Science-Fiction, Fantasy, and Chillers. This collection contains the best examples of all three, in roughly equal measure. All stories are kept to a PG-13 standard to be as widely accessible as possible.
Those who read the series regularly will notice that there are some names that show up again and again. These individuals are known as Rockers: authors who have been included in at least three different collections, and who have proven themselves excellent at each of the main three genres we've challenged them with. They are Ali House, Chantal Boudreau, Jeff Slade, Jon Dobbin, Matthew Daniels, Nicole Little, Paul Carberry, Peter J Foote, Sam Bauer, and Shannon K Green. Collectively known as the best in genre fiction storytelling in Atlantic Canada.
Or, colloquially, as the Rock Stars.
Engen Books would like to that its board and these fine authors for bringing this book together so quickly. Free eBook copies and at-cost print copies are available HERE.