Engen Books and Quadrangle are proud to reveal three more authors to-be-featured in ACCEPTANCE, their collaboration anthology featuring stories by and about the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.
Quadrangle’s mission is to create a community centre for 2SLGBTQAI+ individuals and organizations in Newfoundland and Labrador, a space that is a resource for building community resilience and connection, and that provides supports for existing initiatives of our 2SLGBTQAI+ community. As a registered charity, both working toward having a community centre, and taking up projects like this one contribute to Quad’s vision of contributing to sustainable, positive, community connections. All profits from this collection will go towards that goal.
The title of this year's collection will be Acceptance: Stories at the Centre of Us. Stories were selected by Ailsa Craig, Sulaimon Giwa, AJ Ryan, and, Sarah Thompson.
Bronwynn Erskine is a queer woman currently living in Newfoundland after escaping southern Ontario for the Atlantic coast. She writes primarily fantasy, with increasing forays into horror and soft science fiction, but has been threatening to write a western for some time now. Her mastery of all these genres is what has earned her the title of Rocker. When not writing, she sews, dabbles in acrylic and watercolour painting, and attempts to grow a garden. She was the only author in the blind selection process to have more than one story selected, and brings with her All Crocodiles Go To Heaven, Paint the Sea with Stars, and Doubt Thou the Stars are Fire.
Secondly, Engen is proud to announce Isobel Granby will join the collection. Granby is an author and poet currently living in St. John's. Their previous work includes "The Date-Book," for Queer Sci-Fi "Ink" anthology, "The Second," from the Metapsychosis online journal, "Portrait of a Lady," from the Queer Sci-Fi "Migration" anthology and "The Mark," from Lighthouse Digest. They have been shortlisted or won multiple awards for their work, including the Chatterton 250 Poetry Contest, the 2020 Gregory J. Power Poetry Prize, the 2020 Íslendingadagurinn Open Prose Prize, the 2019 Helen M. Schaible Sonnet Contest, and the 2019 Íslendingadagurinn Open Poetry Prize. When asked their feelings on joining the anthology, they said they were: "Thrilled honestly, I'm glad to share this story with others, and hope that they will enjoy it."
Thirdly we have are proud to announce the inclusion of Will J Fawley. Born in the United States and currently living in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Fawley is the author of multiple short-form stories including “We Draw the Lines” — Parallel Prairies, Great Plains Publications “The Suns of Terre” — Unburied Fables, Creative Aces Publishing “Uprooted” — Expanded Horizons; First published in The Northern Virginia Review, Volume 30 “The Gravity of Desire” — Another Place: Brief Disruptions, and Bushmead Books “The Black Sp.t” — Sassafras Literary Magazine. He says he is "super excited that my story Other Lives is part of Acceptance. The world needs more diverse, inclusive fiction that allows all readers to see themselves in other worlds, and in this one."
Interested parties can click here to preorder Acceptance: Stories at the Centre of Us from Engen Books, expected in the Fall of 2021. All profit from the collection goes toward Quadrangle's community efforts.
Acceptance: Stories at the Centre of Us will feature twenty-two stories from twenty amazing authors. Stay tuned to Engen Books for more author announcements and reveals.