Ali House
Ali House is an award-winning, bestselling author, originally from Newfoundland. She is a graduate of the Fine Arts program at Sir Wilfred Grenfell College (MUN), and currently resides in Halifax where she works in arts administration and spends more time than a person should in and around theaters. She is a master storyteller whose work has helped define the landscapes of science-fiction, fantasy, and horror writing in Atlantic Canada.
To date, House’s short fiction has appeared in every volume of the From the Rock anthology series, as well as Bluenose Paradox, Kit Sora Artobiography, and Terror Nova. Her short fiction was collected in 2020 in The Lightbulb Forest.
The Fiction of Ali House
The longform fiction of Ali House explores themes of futurism, equality, and identity. House is a master of all genres: literary fiction, sci-fi, fantasy, and horror. Explore her work in over a dozen anthology titles, or the collections that compile her work.